Located in the Pyrenees mountain range, LA SOULANE is an art residence, an experiment in deep cooperation, a beehive of creativity and a place of pure joy.
WHAT IIIF? Nowhere & Everywhere is a weekly online telepoetic improvisation, streamed live on TWITCH every Wednesday at 14H Amsterdam time since 2020.  
True story : I eat as much butter as I can.
WHAT IIIF? is a nomadic research festival of international interdisciplinary improvisation that asks the absurd question “Can improvisation be documented?” and then goes ahead and documents it anyway.
Orchard of Pomegranates is a Montréal-based international community of vocalists that share each other’s works and processes to support creativity in all of its stages.
We can only protest from a place of joy.
Have you danced today?  if not, please do.
“2 songbirds, a poet, 6 joyousnesses and a slew of sparks” is a cooperative Parisian studio atelier saved from the onslaught of gentrification for the practice of visceral arts. We circus, sing, write, act and dance.
THE SPHERE is a most audacious outrageous humanistic speculative mixing of circus and crypto. I’m its venture philantropist.
I hate leaving, I’m happy to go.