Other Arts

Selected Galleries/ paintings

Galerie Annette Huster, 1999/2011, Paris.

Galerie Jacques Lévy, 2000/2004, Paris.

Galerie Jean Fournier, 2004, Paris.

Selected Art Fairs/

Venice Biennale, l’art de l’apparence, l’apparence de l’art, 2011, Venise.

NEXT/art chicago, 2011, Chicago.

Scope Miami, 2010, Miami.

Cutlog, 2010, Paris. 

Salon de Montrouge, 2001, Montrouge.

Selected Scenographies/ la tagueuse élégante

Hôtel de Crillon, 2017/2019, Paris.

Céline Wright, 2016, Paris.

Musée des Beaux Arts de Tournai, 2016, Belgium.

Salon Maison et Objet, 2016, Paris.

Banque CIC, 2014, Paris.

Le MEDEF, 2014, Paris.

American Friends of the Musée d’Orsay, 2014, Paris.

État Libre d’Orange, 2014, Paris.

Ken Okada, 2013, Paris.

Paris Design Week, 2011, Paris. 

Selected Invited Residencies/

Corneroh, 2023, The Hague NL. 

La Soulane, 2022/23, Haute-Pyrénées France.

Chateau de Monthélon, 2017, Bourgogne.

The Banff Centre, 2014, Canada.

Selected Publications/

Journal of Embodied Research

Critical Correpondence

Imagined Theatres


In 1997, I exploded my American Dream when I quit the running big complicated urban projects in NYC to paint in Paris. 

My first show came two years later, and my work was shown and collected in the offs of the Venice Biennale, Art Chicago, FIAC and artbasel/Miami.  There is even a piece on a yacht between a Diebenkorn and a Motherwell.  Well.

There are pieces still available here.

" A Haiku becoming a poem." George Peck

la tagueuse élégante

La tagueuse élégante is an art and performance project of calligraphy writ large. 
When I was still painting full time, a gallery offered me a show on my handwriting alone.  For the first edition of Paris Design Week, a chic boutique asked me 
to write the name of the store on every scrap of their 30 square meters of wall 
and facade. 

La tagueuse élégante was born. She has tagged the luxury palace Hôtel Crillon, Courrèges, the Banque CIC, the American Friends of the Musée d’Orsay, Etat Libre d’Orange, fashion designer Ken Okada and Liquides Imaginaires.

La tagueuse élégante writes on walls, windows and you if you don’t move fast enough.

*thanks to Bruno Aragones for naming me.



heart ripped

look left

She is there

lonely rebel



green and uncategorised

yet strong

ripping hearts

then to rest

creep your yearning heart like ivy to mine

pray like a chirping bird. 

cut my hair until there is only a nail file’s worth of fuzz to rub your palms across

chirp again.

seagull seen praying 

news flash I prey; 

the little bug has gone, the smell of sewage is strong

a modern machine backs up with incessant squeaks .

le soleil entisse

les ombres forts

sous le tilleul mourant

je l’expire.

Pendant sa mort

de l’arbre, dis-je

je méditais

sur mon lâcher-prise

là, il fait le tutoiement

pour apprivoiser

la respiration.


I still believe in paper and pen and pencil and I adore envelopes. My dress for the Venice Biennale was made of 80 envelopes in pink organza.  I once wrote a letter that gave birth to a petition that saved the post office in my tiny perched French village.  A big part of my artistic practice is writing a daily personal letter to somebody. 

Would you like one? 


seriouser writing

Play x Play, Seymour Magazine, 2014

Implicit in Virtuosity, PROVA, Royal College of Art, 2018 (paper publication)

Andrew Morrish in Conversation with Anat Ben-David and 20 students, Critical

Correspondence, Movement Research, 2019

The World getting Smaller, Imagined Theatres, Emergency, April 2020

What’s the Matter, with Anat Ben-David, Journal of Embodied Research, 2020

Prosody, Prodigy – Language as a Lyrical Tool, Improfil, Autumn 2020 (paper)

What IIIF? Nowhere & Everywhere, Improfil, Autumn 2020 (paper)

Silence as the underpin, Improfil, December 2021 (paper)

Held Space, does it need silence too? , Improfil, December 2021 (paper)

A Pedagody of Suspensions - Infrathin Variations between London and Manchester,

with David Roussel, Cole Robertson, Christina MacRae and Agata Kik,  2022.

Letters to my Original Geography - a monthly column in IMPROVNotes of the Institute 

of Critical Studies in Improvisation at the University of Guelph; from April 2021 to 
